
What a Happy Marriage Gives You

Don't take it against me, but I'm a happily married woman. I think that of all my achievements in life, my marriage is the most valuable. What makes it valuable are the dozens of shitty relationships that I had in the past. (What can I say? I'm a sexy attractive woman!) They're enough to make any woman wonder if it's all worth the heartaches and disappointments.

I've always been a dreamer (did you sing that?) and despite of all my past failed relationships, I've managed to hold on to my dream that some day, I will find the right person to spend my life with... and I did.

Many couples are trapped in unhappy marriages. They often choose to be trapped because it takes a lot of courage to admit that we made the wrong decision and things didn't turn out the way we wanted. Not only is admitting it to yourself hard, doing something about it is harder. Cutting the bonds of marriage requires a lot of work. It's an ugly business that even when the separation happens amicably, you can see tears and harsh words littering the path to freedom.

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I say freedom because an unhappy marriage is like a cage -  a comfortable lonely cage. We are such adaptable creatures sometimes... and often, we don't have the strength to break free. So, we try to work it out. Even though they're cheating on us, treating us like punching bags or by simply killing that lovable and happy person inside of us through their indifference or verbal abuses.

But you know what? We only have one life to live. If there are others I'm unaware of it. So, we'll assume that we only have this life. It's short and that's what makes it so precious. Unless you're one of the group of people who do not believe in marriage, it's safe to assume that 50% of your life will be as somebody's wife or husband. That's a pretty long time to spend being unhappy.

A happy marriage give you a lot of beautiful experiences and enriches your soul. Yes, no marriage is perfect and there are times that your spouse irritates you to death - but the benefits of a happy marriage goes deeper than that.

A Happy Marriage Gives You Stability

When you're just floating around not knowing where you belong or lost in the maze of life, it's difficult to accomplish meaningful things. A happy marriage gives you a sanctuary. It's that point on the GPS that says, SAFE, LOVED, ACCEPTED. It's your cave. It's your haven. When you have that, you have more courage to go after your dreams. We can't really ride the oceans of life when our ships are rocking like crazy and you can capsize anytime. We need stability. You can launch dreams from the platform of a happy marriage.

A Happy Marriage Gives You Strength and Courage

Lao Tzu was a wise man.This statement is absolutely true. How often have we done great things we didn't think we were capable of, but we did it for someone we love? And how many times have we ventured into the unknown with fear in our hearts but we took the step because someone who loves us held our hand? A happy marriage gives us Strength and Courage. Couples who support each other totally are a formidable pair. If they fail, they will always have each other to pull each other up. It's such a beautiful and inspiring thought.

A Happy Marriage Inspires You

When you are nourished in a relationship, your creativity explodes. Just having one person who believes in you and your potential, someone who sees you for who you really are and loves you, can inspire you to become a better individual. You blossom and you have time to think of and act on what you want to be, instead of being tied down with negative emotions and insecurities. You'll find that you want to try new and exciting ventures. You explore what you're capable of.... and at the end of the day, you revel in your accomplishments with pride.

A Happy Marriage Makes You A Better Person Inside

There's no perfect marriage, and I'm not saying that a marriage has to be perfect to give you all these beautiful uplifting emotions. Disagreements and arguments are normal even in a happy marriage. The only difference is what you are arguing about. Being in a bad marriage can result to issues on infidelity, appreciation, lack of time, abuse - all these topics can turn a normally happy person into someone who's filled with anger and resentment. People change in a bad marriage and not in a good way. On the other hand, a nurturing marriage has none of these self-depreciating issues. Happy couples argue and don't speak to each other for days sometimes, but at the core, they love each other. They don't think that their spouses are deliberately hurting them. There is no malice involved. Happy marriages have the power to cure the anger and bitterness that we've accumulated along the way. Feeling totally loved makes you forgive the injustices of the world.

A Happy Marriage is a Playground

It's that one place in the world where you can be completely silly and not worry about being judged. Everything you need to be happy is provided for by a successful marriage. You have a best friend, a confidante, a cheerleader, a comforter, a sob partner, a cavalry - anything you need is right there in the comforts of your own home.  That's how I view it anyway.

Some people might say, "That's like putting all your eggs in one basket!" Yes. But it's worth the risk. We sometimes put a lot of our eggs in a basket that's not even half worthy. Marriage doesn't automatically become successful. There's no such thing as instant soul mates. You build on the love that you have for each other, constantly, continuously, every single day! So, if you take care of your partner and your marriage, if you're actively and vigilantly watching its health, your eggs won't be crushed. Just like anything that has eggs on it, it needs to be handled with care.

A good resource book for ensuring that you have a happy and successful marriage is the eBook, "You're Getting Married Soon... Now What?" 

It lists the specific questions you need to ask your partner about, so you can get to know them better and have a clearer picture of your future. See, people don't change just because they got married. Avoid disappointments and make sure you're getting the person and the future life you really want. Make sure your expectations are realistic. It's not only for recently engaged lovers, but also for newly married couples who're still finding their way. Recommended.


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